- 55 Merchant Street, Suite 2100 - Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Chances are there’s someone in your life right now who is looking for help with Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Social Security, Long-Term Care or better insights into their financial strategies and options. We can help!
Fill out the form below to recommend your friends and family to E.A. Buck Financial Services for a complimentary financial planning consultation. They will get the opportunity to meet with an experienced professional who can help get them on the track to reach their financial goals.
Inquire for more details. Restrictions apply.*
*The discount on your return preparation fee is contingent upon your referral(s)’s completion of a meeting with an E.A. Buck Financial Services financial planner. Discounts can be accumulated for multiple referrals. You are eligible to receive a $50 discount per referral that completes a meeting. All discounts are one-time use and can only be applied to one tax return. Once the meeting with an E.A. Buck Financial Services financial planner is completed, a $50 voucher will be mailed to you. Please present the voucher at the time of your tax return preparation payment. The discount will be applied at that time.
Whether you own your own business and need monthly accounting assistance or are an employee of a company and just need assistance preparing your income tax returns, we are confident we can help you.
E.A. Buck Accounting & Tax Services is an accounting company that specializes in tax preparation, and bookkeeping.
Copyright © E.A. Buck Accounting & Tax Services All Rights Reserved.